looking from Tynemouth to South Shields |
A link to more pics of King Edwards Bay |
Looking toward the Tyne And Shouth Shields, to the right you can see a statue of Lord Collingwood. Born in Newcastle
1748 Cuthbert Colling wood rose from humble origins to become one of the most decorated men in England
Collingwood died in1810 onboard the Ville-de-Paris. The statue was erected by public subscription
Whitly Bay and Cullercoats
These two seaside resorts still hold a place of fondness for many people in the North East, even Dire Straits sung about
them in the song Tunnel of love. I am sad to say that the Spanih City is now closed down, many of us have special memories
of this fair ground and the fun it brought us from being babes in arms to taking our own children and watching their smiling
faces. Walking along the links will bring you to St Marys Lighthouse. To get to this monument you will have to cross a cause
way, so take note of the tides as it can become covered very quick.
Blyth dates back to the 12th centuary the harbour and docks were formed about 1854. This town has seen
many changes over the past number of years but it has still held on to it's outside market on Tuesdays and Satardays.
Blyth beach is still a good place to go to stretch your legs or let the kids go wild.